Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pants on the Ground, Wheelchair Style

I can't say I'm a fan of American Idol, as honestly, I've maybe watched 45 seconds of it through the years. I must admit, I'm not terribly fond of modern pop culture, and immensely prefer Lady Day to Lady Ga Ga. But even I have not been able to escape the charms of "Pants on the Ground" a little a cappella rap ditty that was performed by a 62-year-old gentleman during one of this year's American Idol auditions. Since it first aired a few weeks ago, the video clip of "Pants on the Ground" has gone viral, and I suspect that deep in the Amazonian forest, where pants haven't even been invented, there are tribal warriors chanting "Pants on the Ground" as they prepare for ritual battle. I've gotta admit, the little tune is kind of catchy...

Now, the irrepressible Mark E. Smith (the Mobility Superstar) and the folks from Pride Mobility have put together their own stellar video version of "Pants on the Ground". Pride Mobility, the manufacturer of fine mobility products, is the maker of the Wheelchair Kamikaze's own Quantum Rehab Q6000Z, the wheelchair part of Wheelchair Kamikaze. Mark E. Smith, when he's not busy being a junkyard dog gangsta rapper, serves as Pride Mobility's Consumer Research Manager, and runs the invaluable website Wheelchair Junkie , which in my humble opinion is the Web's best resource for information on all things wheelchair.

So now, strap yourselves in, pull your pants low, and get ready to groove to the Wheelchair Junkie's version of "Pants on the Ground"...

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  1. Thanks, Marc. That was great. I was "exposed" to the original last night so seeing this version was a great lift to my morning. Aarcyn

  2. I never wear pants - too hard to work. (well, I do wear them out or if company's coming.

  3. Pants on the Ground has been a mantra in our house since we saw it on the audition show. This is a great viral version. Way to go Mark E. Smith.

    Lady GaGa's pretty talented Marc. She's a musician and writer and a Manhattan native too I believe. I'm sure she'd grow on you if you gave her a try ;)

    I like my Invacare TDX SP with custom back and seat, tilt recline and elevating leg rests. Alas, I only have the M-22 batteries and not the 24's or 26's. Perhaps the next chair I'll get the bigger battery package. ...We could race.

  4. that video is amazing. and yeah, lady gaga is pretty awesome too. :)

  5. Pants on the ground is my new mantra too. Weeble, be careful with the racing ;)
