Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CCSVI: Three Years On, Some Thoughts and Observations

English: MRI image of a patient with CCSVI. Di...
Image via Wikipedia

It seems almost incredible, but it's been nearly 3 years since I wrote my first Wheelchair Kamikaze post on CCSVI (click here). At the time of that first post, CCSVI had hardly been heard of outside of some researchers in Italy and a few dozen patients debating the merits of the hypothesis on an Internet forum. Today, CCSVI has become a patient driven social media medical phenomenon. An estimated 25,000-30,000 patients have already undergone CCSVI treatment, researchers from around the world are investigating the hypothesis, and the surgical treatment of CCSVI has become a thriving industry. CCSVI has certainly come a long way, but in many ways we've only taken the first steps on what could be an epic journey.

Last week, the International Society for Neurovascular Disease (ISNVD) held its second annual scientific meeting, which lasted five full days, in Orlando, Florida. A tremendous amount of information about the nature and treatment of CCSVI was exchanged by researchers and physicians, a compendium of which can be found in a 106 page online PDF publication put out by the Society (click here).

Of most interest to patients are undoubtedly the treatment outcomes reported by several CCSVI treatment practitioners (which can be found on pages 62, 79, 83, 84, 86, and 87 of the PDF), which displayed a wide variety of treatment outcomes, but do seem to suggest several identifiable trends. It appears that quality of life issues (fatigue, cognitive issues, heat sensitivity) saw more benefit post treatment than mobility related issues, and that RRMS patients fared better than patients suffering from SPMS or PPMS. None of these studies was double blinded, all being observational and most relying on self-reported information, which can lead to inaccuracies. Still, the findings generally fall in line with some of the few double blinded studies that have been done, such as a recently completed study done in Italy (click here). CORRECTION:an anonymous reader points out that this Italian study was in fact not double blinded, and just used an independent physician to evaluate EDSS scores. Thanks for the heads up.

The meeting did bring into focus the fact that the CCSVI treatment protocol is far from standardized, with physicians varying in opinion on issues ranging from which veins to treat, whether treatment should concentrate on valves rather than the veins themselves, the use of intravascular ultrasound, and other important issues, a list of which can be found on pages 104-106 of the PDF document linked to above. There were quite a few presentations on the use of noninvasive imaging techniques (Doppler Ultrasound and MRV technology) to diagnose CCSVI, with the consensus appearing to be that neither method was especially accurate, except for extremely specialized MRV protocols that are practiced at only a few facilities. One leading CCSVI practitioner went so far as to state that he no longer requires his patients to undergo Doppler Ultrasound investigations before venoplasty, since the ultrasound results were found to be so prone to error (page 63 of the PDF).

In addition to presentations involving CCSVI treatment techniques, some important observations about the nature of the condition were also presented. The effects of reduced blood flow through the brain were discussed, as was the possible connection between bloodflow disruptions and a breakdown of the blood brain barrier, and the role of iron deposition in the MS disease process. In all, my impression (keeping in mind that I did not attend the meeting) is that the findings presented at this year's ISNVD scientific meeting were more evolutionary than revolutionary, which I suppose is something to be expected. The explosion of interest in CCSVI amongst interventional radiologists and research physicians must logically lead to attempts to fill in the many gaps of knowledge that remain in regards to CCSVI, before more dramatic leaps in understanding can be accomplished.

This eruption of interest in CCSVI within the interventional radiology community is in some ways a double-sided sword. On the plus side, it has given patients access to treatment, which in the early days was extremely hard to come by. Today, patients have their choice of treating physicians, and must do their due diligence when choosing which physician in whose hands to place themselves. As noted above, treatment techniques and philosophies vary widely from physician to physician, and patients exploring the possibility of CCSVI treatment should not be shy about asking questions in an effort to find a doctor whose treatment modality best fits their comfort level.

On the potentially negative side, CCSVI has become big business. With CCSVI treatment procedures costing about $10,000, and somewhere between 25,000-30,000 patients already treated, a little math reveals that treating CCSVI has already generated hundreds of millions of dollars in gross revenue for treating physicians. Yes, those procedures covered by medical insurance probably don't get reimbursed at the full rate charged, but this is likely made up for by patients who have undergone multiple procedures because of CCSVI's ongoing problems with restenosis. Given the fact that the number of treated patients represents only a tiny percentage of the worldwide MS population, it's easy to see that CCSVI treatment could quickly develop into a multibillion-dollar a year enterprise.

The David vs. Goliath narrative that has driven the CCSVI story thus far may soon become obsolete. To be sure, the neurology community still remains incomprehensibly steadfast in its negativity regarding CCSVI, but this is becoming counterbalanced by the enthusiasm of the interventional radiology community, and, I suspect, by the interests of the medical device manufacturers, who also stand to profit greatly should CCSVI become an accepted treatment option for MS patients. Despite the fact that very legitimate issues remain regarding the efficacy of CCSVI treatment and the lack of a consensus as to optimal interventional techniques, CCSVI treatment is being aggressively marketed by several US and international treatment facilities, which should raise some ethical questions.

Until issues with effectiveness and technique are satisfactorily answered, the CCSVI treatment procedure must be considered an experimental one, a fact that should not be lost on patients who are understandably desperate to address their illness but are faced with a dizzying array of statistics, patient testimonials, and marketing efforts by for-profit ventures. In a very real way patients who choose to undergo CCSVI treatment at the current time are guinea pigs, a fact that I understood explicitly when I underwent my venoplasty back in the dark ages of CCSVI, almost two years ago. Although we've come a long way since then, in some ways the procedure remains as experimental as ever, as physicians treat a much wider array of veins much more aggressively than they did back when I underwent the procedure. Though the treatment is a minimally invasive one, it is not without risks, as is evidenced by the contingent of patients who have experienced clotting issues and vein thrombosis in the aftermath of their procedures. Indeed, one of the presentations at ISNVD highlighted a patient whose condition worsened after treatment (page 89 of the PDF), a rare occurrence to be sure, but a possibility that must factor into the decision-making process of patients considering venoplasty.

One of the most volatile controversies raging on CCSVI forums and social media sites is whether or not the condition is a cause or effect of multiple sclerosis, with those arguing for CCSVI as cause often citing the fact that the venous abnormalities being found appear to be congenital (developed in the womb) in nature. I am unsure as to the question of cause vs. effect, although I do believe that if CCSVI is a cause of MS, it is only one of many factors involved in the initiation of the disease. Even if the vascular defects being found in the veins of MS patients are congenital, this does not necessarily mean they are a cause of multiple sclerosis. There are many congenital defects that cause no adverse effect whatsoever, and I'd venture to say that many of us have some physical trait somewhere in our bodies that is outside of normal variance.

We've all heard stories of world-class athletes suddenly collapsing during or directly after extreme physical exertion. Quite often, the follow-up story is that the unfortunate athlete was a victim of a congenital heart defect, which would never have been noticed had that person not pushed his body to physical extremes. Had they not been athletes, they very well could have lived a normal life span. Likewise, a person born with congenitally abnormal ligaments in their knees might never know of their condition unless they encounter an environmental element (such as a hit to their knees) that brings their abnormality to the fore, in the form of a knee injury more severe than that which might have been suffered by a person with "normal" ligaments. Given the varied elements that have been linked to MS (infectious agents, exposure to toxins, vitamin deficiencies, genetic markers, etc.), a likely scenario is that vascular abnormalities play a part in predisposing an individual to developing MS when exposed to an unfortunate storm of other factors.

To my mind, it is becoming increasingly clear that, despite our greatest hopes, CCSVI is only a part of a much bigger and more complex MS picture. Precisely how big a part it plays is still open to question. Although CCSVI treatment does appear to benefit many patients, it has also been shown to be of little or no value to many others. CCSVI does not explain some of the factors that have previously been established about MS, such as the geographic distribution of the disease (click here), the male-female ratio that is well known to exist in MS (click here), the existence of "multiple sclerosis clusters" (which would seem to point to an infectious cause-click here), or the unmistakable link between MS and Epstein-Barr virus (click here). Nevertheless, CCSVI offers the promise of opening up whole new areas of research into the causes of, and treatments for, multiple sclerosis. Certainly, interested MS patients should investigate the possibility of CCSVI treatment, and make a sober assessment as to whether now is the proper time for them to jump in.

There are several ongoing research projects that should further illuminate the CCSVI picture scheduled to publish results later this year, but further robust and expeditious research is desperately needed. It is essential that we ascertain just how prevalent CCSVI is in the healthy population, gain a better understanding of the role, if any, of vascular abnormalities in the MS disease process, determine which MS patients respond best to CCSVI venoplasty, refine the techniques used to treat CCSVI, reduce the number of patients who experience restenosis, and see the development of surgical implements specifically designed to treat venous abnormalities. Neurologists need to get on board to provide interdisciplinary expertise to CCSVI studies. After all, whatever the results of the research, positive or negative, answering these questions can only be in the best interest of their patients.

CCSVI has come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. Thankfully, the pace of CCSVI research is gaining momentum, and hopefully we will see answers to many of our questions sooner rather than later. In the meantime, my best advice is to educate yourself to the best of your ability, be your own most powerful advocate, and make treatment decisions based more on reason than emotion.

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  1. Sorry Mark but the Italian study you are referring was not double-blinded at all. It was just involving an independant physician to evaluate the EDSS. It is not specified if this evaluator knowed if the person was treated or not. There was no placebo involved in this study.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, I made the correction in the blog. I guess I was overly excited about seeing then outcome result study that was comprised of anything other than patient reported information.

  2. Thank you for the information provided and for your thoughts that always make a lot of sense.

    1. I'm sure my wife might argue with you about my thoughts always making a lot of sense, but you're very welcome. Glad to be of service…

  3. Thank you - this is a really great post. I greatly appreciate your distilling lots of info. I've been treated twice, to great and mild positive result. I agree - a sober judgement is key. Thanks again

    1. Thanks for the nice words, glad that you've experienced at least some benefit from CCSVI treatment. Did you totally regress after the first treatment, and were both of your procedures done by the same doctor?

  4. I'm leaving this comment up as an example of the aggressive marketing efforts that have become routine for some CCSVI treatment outfits. This blog has been spam bombed by messages just like this, on posts going back years. I have spent hours finding and deleting them, and have even called some of the offending companies to complain.

    Do me a favor, don't click on the "CCSVI Cancun" link in the above comment. There are plenty of other CCSVI practitioners out there if you want to pursue treatment.

    Oh, to ipf, whoever you are, a pox on you and all your ancestors…

  5. Hi Mark,
    It's been a long time. As usual a very even handed and informative post. However, what caught my attention the most was your new(?) video. Can't believe how long it's been since I got my first laughs at your not so subtle sense of humor. Once again you crack me up!


    1. Glad I left you laughing, but I haven't added any new videos. The old "widget" that I used to put my WK videos on the blog was for some reason given the kabosh, and when I moved over to this new thingamajig it allowed me to put new titles on the videos. So, same old videos, but some new titles.

      Is this the definition of putting lipstick on a pig?

      I do intend on creating some new videos, but they're pretty time intensive, and I'm pretty lazy…

  6. Good update Marc. I've known several folks who've had CCSVI treatements but with no change. Like me, they are long term SPMS (>10 years), and to the extent CCSVI is a cause of MS, I can't see how treating it, repairs nerve damage. Nothing wrong with stirring up the Big Pharma/Medical/Insurance trifecta though.

  7. SteveR just one quick question the pple who had no change did that mean they had no improvement in the heat tolerance, cog fog or fatigue? I havn't heard of too many pple with SPMS who experienced the jumping out of the wheel chair beniits u see on the internet, but I have heard a couple pple say they did experience some benifits in the areas i mentioned. :) I understand there was a recent report that they have figured out how to manipulate stem cells to create oligradendracytes (sorry i have no idea how to spell it) if that is true then it could be very good. fix the blood flow then fix the repair mechanism in our brains.

    1. These people have basically mobility issues. So beyond stopping attacks (new or rapidly worsening symptoms) which we tend not to have, or the benefits from myelin "repair", what we (I) need is repair of damaged nerve tissue (axons). The small group of people I know who've had CCSVI treatment, have also had stem cell treatment, neither helped with weak/bad legs type issues. I believe we have a disease stage naming issue in M.S. Given what we now know about the disease, why are we lumping everyone into three or four groups?

      So did they not receive any benefit? I'm not sure but the major issues which these people were motivated by, were not helped by it

    2. SteveR, I just felt the need to tell you that I have been secondary/progressive since 1993. I had treatment for CCSVI in March/11. My improvements were remarkable! The day after I could stand steadily, without hanging on to anything for support, for the first time in almost 20 years! My drop-foot improved immensely, my heat intolerance has disappeared (can now sit in a Jacuzzi), and I haven't had one of my "weekly" MS headaches since treatment (1 year ago). I do understand that my results are a bit unusual and I credit it to living in a building with a swimming pool. I could easily/regularly get what I consider to be the best exercise for someone with MS. I am so glad I was able to maintain some muscle strength by walking in the pool without worrying about hurting myself. Great quality of life improvements can happen for progressive cases! You can see my before/after videos on youtube at lorimayb's channel.

    3. I'm glad to hear that Lori. I'm not wanting to come across as negative or skeptical. I just need to know how it can fix broken nerve connections. I can at least imagine how it might stop attacks and/or allow myelin to repair. In any case the limitations of the current way that MS is grouped belies the complexity and variety of its presentations. I suppose that simplifies things for drug companies, insurance companies and doctors but it leaves patients with a lot of disparate information to contend with. Good for you though!

    4. I think the above comments are a great snapshot of the complexity of the questions surrounding CCSVI, and the wide variety of outcomes patients are reporting.

      I believe Steve is right in that most patients with progressive disease are not seeing the kind of dramatic improvements that Lori reports, unfortunately. Even among patients with less progressed disease, it seems that only about one third are reporting improvements that they classify as extremely significant. Nevertheless, we do have one third of patients reporting great results, and even some progressive patients like Lori reporting "wow" benefits. How to interpret all of this is very difficult.

      As Steve notes, MS is a very complex and heterogeneous disease, meaning that it can manifest quite differently in different patients. It is difficult to understand how "fixing" CCSVI would lead to a restoration of function in severely damaged nerves. As we see with patients who suffer paralyzing injuries, damaged nerves generally don't heal. Accounts like Lori's suggest that some patients experiencing severe disability may not have suffered as much nerve damage as others, and instead their disability may stem more from inflammation or some other cause that CCSVI addresses.

      Keep in mind, too, that between 5%-15% of MS patients are misdiagnosed. Could be that some of these patients are suffering from a disease that is primarily vascular, and CCSVI directly addresses the problems these folks are experiencing.

      Lots of questions to answer, and unfortunately, those trying to get them answered are experiencing way too many impediments. We need a multidisciplinary approach to solving the questions posed by CCSVI, and neurologists just don't seem to want to get on board. It's not as if the treatments they can currently offer are not without their problems, so why not try some new approaches?

      As for stem cells, I firmly believe that they hold tremendous promise, but much research is needed to learn how to harness this great potential. I personally know several folks who have tried stem cell treatment and have seen no results of any significance; this does not mean that the treatments won't eventually be tremendously effective, it only means we are not yet there…

    5. Thanks, Steve and Marc. I know MS is a very complex condition--I know dozens of people with the diagnosis and while many have some similar symptoms, no two are alike. My neurologist did not want to investigate other possibilities--I fit the "MS profile" perfectly in his "closed" mind. He has been "seeing" me for 22 years (I can't say "treating" because there has been absolutely no treatment available for me). I see him in a couple of days for the first time since my treatment and am very curious as to what his response will be when he has me stand and close my eyes and for the first time in 20 years he doesn't have to catch me!

    6. Lori, please let us know what your neuro has to say. Should be an interesting visit…

    7. March 8/12--Just got home from my first visit with my neurologist since my venous angioplasty of March 17/11. He had last seen me March 10/11. After lots of talk and testing, he said some words that I hadn’t heard from him since I was declared secondary/progressive in 1993. “Well, you are significantly better.”

      He quickly added “I must say, you are the exception…for my patients that have been going away I haven’t seen people getting better like this…most people say they ‘feel better’…but when I test them, they aren’t walking better, they aren’t stronger…but you’re better! There’s no question.”

      My husband said to him “I wasn’t sure at first if you’d be able to tell the difference…” to which the doctor replied “I can tell the difference…obviously you’re walking better…that’s evident, but your strength in your right leg is better than it was the last time.”

      He was very happy for me and it was a very positive visit!

      He also mentioned that the MS Clinic at UBC (Vancouver, BC, Canada) has put in an application to do a trial--but it will take a long time (his words). (The Canadian Government has agreed to conduct clinical trials and is currently taking applications)

  8. Thanks for distilling and condensing mountains of info from numerous sources.

  9. Even before CCSVI I loved your videos and photography. But I also love pieces which are well written, accurate, balanced and informative as this is. Sincere thanks, this will help all MSers (and others) with a genuine interest in CCSVI.

  10. I echo the above comments - mainly because I don't have to go through all those sources (cog fog, fatigue). I have been coming to similar conclusions from my reading, which doesn't encourage me since I've been SPMS for many years.
    I do know what it feels like to reverse my symptoms. Since I've been doing Taoist Tai Chi for 13 years I have gotten out of my wheelchair,learned to walk again (with a walker or cane), I get stronger each time I remit (I still get exacerbations). It is not simple, it is not fast, it does not benefit everybody equally and you have to like doing it. Oh and this all annecdotal. I have to ask how many thousand cases over how many thousand years does it take to make the point. My neuro is bewildered.
    I broke my hip a couple of years ago (probably because I had two courses of prednisone in one year) so I'm back in the wheelchair but I'm learning to walk yet again.
    Those who are interested can check out www.taoist.org.

  11. I had my CCSVI treatment in March of this year (2012). I was diagnosed with RRMS 10 years ago, and it was a struggle every day. My fatigue was tremendous, and I would have to wear a cooling vest to be outdoors during the summer time. When I would exacerbate, my vertigo would become tremendous, and most times my vision would either go double or my right eye would be blind for a few days. Since my CCSVI treatment, I have my life back. I take NO MEDS. I used to have to take meds to stay awake, and Copaxone every night. Not anymore. I started running (for fun, no one is chasing me...usually...)just to prove I was better. I've never been a runner, even in high school. I just wanted to run because for so long I couldn't and it felt good. One week ago, I took 5th place in the women's division of a local 5K race....the feeling was indescribable! I credit CCSVI treatment with this turnaround. One year ago it was all I could do to make it through the work day (I am a nurse practitioner). Now I actually have a life after work. The procedure is relatively low risk, and I believe it should be offered to every MS patient. Not everyone has the tremendous response that I've had, but as any MS patient knows, any improvement is worth it!
