Monday, November 1, 2010

National Public Radio Segment on CCSVI Postponed

Photograph of a young girl listening to the ra...

Image via Wikipedia

In my previous post, I plugged an upcoming National Public Radio segment on CCSVI that I had been interviewed for a few weeks ago. It was supposed to air this morning, on NPR's "Morning Edition" and I was surprised/disappointed when it failed to hit the airwaves.

I contacted the reporter who interviewed me, and was told that because there are several crucial reports on CCSVI due to be released in some of the major medical journals in the near future, and because NPR wanted to interview Dr. Zamboni and Dr. Zivadinov (who is conducting intensive research on CCSVI at the University of Buffalo) for the piece, that it was being held back until some time in the relatively near future, probably after the holidays.

Sorry for the confusion, I was as surprised as anybody. I will of course keep everyone informed once I get word of when the piece will actually air.

And so, the national US media silence on CCSVI lives on, at least for another couple of months. Actually, print pieces have been run in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, but who's counting…

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  1. So typical for the media.

    When Elizabeth was 6 she had surgery at Mt. Sinai to repair a congenital heart defect. It was a new procedure and Max Gomez was doing a report on it. Elizabeth's doctors asked if I would bring her in to be interviewed as a success story.

    Now Elizabeth was like the Pig Pen character in Charlie Brown. I had her dressed so adorably, she looked like Madeline from the books, right down to the hat. We had to wait for Gomez for hours and the whole time I was trying to keep her clean. Nerve wracking!!!

    We finally did the interview. Everyone who knew us kept checking Channel 4 news. After 2 weeks I called the doctor to see when it would be on.

    The answer was: never! lol Max Gomez was switching to Channel 2 news and all his unseen work was canned. lol

    So much for our 15 minutes of fame!

    Looking forward to your interview when it finally airs. I know you will be articulate, smart and a great spokesperson. :)

  2. It seems like there's a lot of energy around CCSVI right now and it's making me nervous. It feels like something big is about to happen.

  3. It's not total media silence. Last week Seattle's KING-5 (NBC affiliate) news did a brief story on CCSVI. I was in the middle of something else and so missed most of it - but it was on the 5 o'clock news, and possibly the 11 o'clock as well.

  4. Did someone say something about CCSVI? I can't think about anythiny right now, I'm still celebrating the SF Giants win! (big smile)

    Marc, let us know when NPR decides to run the story! Hugs

  5. I wondered. Thought I time-zone missed it. Yeah Seattle ran two segments and had a paper article. Word is spreading.
